Monday, April 6, 2009


Once upon a time, there was a blonde; 100% natural and loving it - until her hair started to look kind of that mousey, dirty blonde...
No, I'm not talking about the cat - but did you know that there is actually a company that makes cat wigs? This lovely shade is bashful blonde, though I wouldn't think that a bashful cat would where a blonde wig... Getting to the point, I was an unhappy dirty blonde that ultimately went blonder - and I love it! There's something about a new hair color to make you feel absolutely rejuvenated. My inspirations were Scarlet Johanson and Amber Heard (from the The Informers - which actually looks kinda good, L.A. in the 80's seems pretty intriguing).

a much blonder SCF


Little Bow Prep said...

Yay! I'm happy you like your new hair color!

yiqin; said...

Ah scrlet looks fab.

Organic said...

Is that you on the right? Gorgeous!

Acai said...

That is a great pic of Scarlet too.

Expat said...

Cute pussy!

Sabina said...

I really enjoy your blog, how sweet :))
I think you will like mine too, I'd be glad if you checked it out :))

Can't wait to hear from you hon!