Thursday, June 5, 2008

Clueless Driving

I am proud to announce that I have graduated from Driver's Education!  Give me a hip-hip-hydroplaning-hoorah!

I had spent three days cooped up in a florescent-lit shoe box, watching videos showing a truck's load of lumber suddenly breaking free and colliding with a Hummer full of flannel and acid-washed jean-clad teenagers.  Yeah.  I felt more pain than the protagonist, Debby, felt as an oak tree punctured her abdomen!

At first, I had thought Driver's Ed. was to be a breeze.  But after the first two hours of class as I began filling out a DUI crossword puzzle, I came to the conclusion that Driver's Ed. really wasn't as glamorous as Cher in my all time favorite movie, Clueless, made it out to be. Instead of her MC Hammer-era ensemble of a translucent button-down shirt, an argyle skirt, knee-high tube socks and platforms, most of my classmates and I resorted to merely pajamas to at least pretend we were sleeping like the rest of our friends who were still probably in bed!

Though, unlike Cher, I passed my exams.  But hey, she looked fabulous failing hers.  And I say, if you're going to fail, fail with flair - or in Cher's case a pair of five-inch, clear platforms!

Tune of the Day:  Crash by Gwen Stefani

Infinite Xs and Os,

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