Friday, June 20, 2008

Oh Wonderful Whitney

Whitney Port:  Don't you just adore her?  I mean, everyone has those stupid Abercrombie & Fitch "Team Lauren" and "Team Heidi" infant-sized t-shirts, but I've always been on team Whitney - Even though the adorable fashionista has never had a conflict with anyone, and ergo, doesn't really have a team!  I know, I know, the infamous reality show on which she stars, The Hills, is probably scripted (as painful as it is to come to terms with that fact), but I honest-to-God think that Whitney is a true stylish sweetheart.  Think about this:  Have you ever seen Whitney's words bleeped out for profanity?  Have you ever seen Whitney wear jeans two scenes in a row?  Have you ever seen Whitney with hair fried into sickenly straight submission by a Chi? Have you ever heard of someone who didn't like Whitney?  I didn't think so! 

Exhibit A (above):  Whitney opts for a light pink mini dress paired with tights and moccasins for a blind date at a sports bar, her hair is loose and wavy and she wearing but a pinch of makeup.  Yet another reason we love her:  She dares to wear this flirty yet darlingly innocent ensemble to a blind date at a noisy bar filled with Lakers fans with perfectly natural hair and a clean makeup-free face!  

Exhibit B (above):  Even though Whitney is gorgeous, that doesn't mean she isn't intelligent as well.  She actually graduated from USC with a degree in gender studies.  I'm pretty sure she might be the only cast member on The Hills that actually finished college.  Wow. That says a lot about the show.

Apparently, Whitney's adorable-ness hasn't gone unnoticed.  The twenty-three year-old fashionista is supposedly getting her own reality show on MTV!  I guess it's supposed to be rather Sex and The City-esque as Whitney will be hopping from Los Angeles to New York for her People's Revolution gig and will feature New York Socialite, Olivia Palermo (I honestly have no idea who that is, but she sounds fabulous). The best part of all of this is the fact that The Hills villain couple, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt, actually were up against Whitney for a reality show on MTV...And they gave it to Whitney! Rightfully so.

Tune of the Day:  Labels or Love by Fergie

Infinite Xs and Os,

P.S.  I apologize for my two-day rant about The Hills cast members, but after after Fashion's the Word brought up Whitney's new reality show, I couldn't resist!


FabFashionista said...

I love Whitney. She's always been my favorite and I'm stoked for her OWN reality show. Woot Woot!

Fashion-Obsessed! said...

Hey, great blog, i love the posts about the Hills. I agree with you, Whitney is the best and nicest character, she totally deserves her own show! Want to trade links, i love your blog :)

Secretista said...

So true. She is darling.

heartu,kisses said...

she is awesome. & i need to take a cue and wear less makeup. i'm glad she beat heidi and spencer! but i think their show would have done better, just because they are so drama all the time! but they are evil!!!

Elana said...

Whitney is definitely the best-dressed of all the Hills girls...and the least annoying! haha
I cant wait to see her own reality show!

Fashion-Obsessed! said...

Thanks you are now on mine too :)

Margaux said...

I'm going to admit something, I'm totally on team Spencer. He might be an ass, but he seems pretty funny in the interviews I've seen him in. I don't watch the show religiously or anything, just the occasional episode, though, so I don't know much about any of them. Besides my celebrity gossip.

Madame Dior said...

Whitney has an awesome sense of style ,she is the ultimate underdog in the Hills, as most of her outfits are better than the other girls

Marie said...

I absolutely love her.

I was reading this post, and i was wondering why it sounded so familiar. I guess it was because I was about to write something just like it. XD

I'm just kidding. I couldn't do the post any better. I didn't know they were competing against Heidi. Thats great to know!

Supercalifashionista said...

Thank you for the comments! Yes, Whitney is the best! But Spencer does bring that drama to the show I adore. I'm so excited for her new show!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I worked at Teen Vogue in LA for 2 years, so I was around all the Hills girls a lot. Whitney is actually super down-to-earth and really nice so I'm a big fan of hers.

Supercalifashionista said...

Seriously? That is so cool! I think she is fabulous!